
Who am I?

I’m no more or less than a person looking for a change of profession who finds trading stocks to be engaging, fun, and rewarding. I’m new to trading, only a few months from my first trade as I write this. I’m operating on a miniscule portfolio, certainly not enough to earn a living on, but my goal is to learn to trade at a level that will allow me to put more equity in play as my performance improves.

Everything I write here, unless quoting a much smarter and more qualified person than I am, is my own opinion and should never be considered as anything but friendly advice. You’ll hear a mantra among traders, advisors, and coaches along these lines: Only you can be responsible for your trading decisions. Nobody else.

Why Flicker Trading?

I set up this website and LLC for two reasons. The first is that I wanted to create a place where I could help myself learn by tracking my own progress, writing about it, and sharing it and some resources I’ve found along the way with others. The second is that there can be significant tax advantages in the US to those who can establish Trader Tax Status (see GreenTraderTax.com).

Where do we go from here?

We’re at the beginning, and I’ll start by saying, “Thank you for being here.” I’ll be adding posts and features to the site over time and I hope you find it of some value in your own journey.

James M. White
Carlton, Oregon, USA